Our Success Stories

For Club member Chris, poetry is a coping mechanism. He uses it to express his feelings, but he also hopes that when he performs his poetry, he can ... CONTINUE READING

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Club member Dominic had never touched fresh pasta dough before, but he was eager to learn how to transform a blob of dough into a beautiful pasta dish.With ... CONTINUE READING

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“I loved boxing, it helped me get out some frustrating feelings,” one Club member said.“I got a compliment about my eyes from someone I had never met, it ... CONTINUE READING

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Meet our seven fantastic 2024 Carol A. Walter Junior Youth of the Year finalists! Each young person has worked incredibly hard to become the best possible Club member ... CONTINUE READING

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Club member Andrea, 16, was nervous. She had never pitched a business idea before – let alone to four business mentors with decades of experience and companies that ... CONTINUE READING

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Accepting failure is difficult.For Ebonnye, Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago’s (BGCC) Youth of the Year finalist from the Alcott Club, it is something she said she is ... CONTINUE READING

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